Verð er per m2 1m2=4 flísar
Hver flís er 40x40x0,7cm
Hafið samband við okkur á raceparts@raceparts.is og fáið faglega ráðgjöf fyrir ykkar aðstöðu. Bjóðum upp á að koma á staðinn og annast mælingar og uppsetningu.
Hér höfum við lausnina fyrir þína aðstöðu! Losaðu þig við flísa/epoxy hausverkinn og komdu upp flottri og snyrtilegri aðstöðu með lágmarks fyrirhöfn.
10. ára ábyrgð, áætluð ending er yfir 25 ár, þolir rótsterk hreinsiefni.
Framleitt í Bretlandi.
GarageStyle Flooring is engineered to turn your garage into a showroom to be proud of. Our tough interlocking floor tiles can withstand even the harshest garage environments. Transform your floor space in hours, not days with Garage Style’s quick interlocking tile system. Unlike many other options no special tools are required for installation, there is no mess or toxic fumes and no need to repair damage to your current floor surface before installing.
All of our flooring products are manufactured in the UK under the strictest quality control for peace of mind that we remain known as the UK's premier garage floor tile company. Our garage floor tiles are a true 500mm x 500mm in size and contain the best quality 100% virgin pvc.
Raised Disc 7mm thick tile
- 10 year warranty
- Simple click and use installation
- ISO9001 certified manufacturer guarantee
- 25+ years anticipated lifespan
- Smart modern appearance
- Chemically resistant
- Reduces dust and noise
- Exceptional durability
- Safe – excellent slip-resistance
- Warm – insulates the floor from cold and damp
- Reduces fatigue
- Lower life cycle cost
- Move and re-use